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01/08/2002 Entry: "Krispy Kreme"

So in a way off-topic post in the drummers newsgroup, someone brought up Krispy Kreme donuts. The poster said, that after trying one, they didn't see what the fuss was all about. So Soulbelly asks "Was the hot light on?" The next poster says "Now I can't get Neil Diamond out of my head. I've gotta go listen to some Zappa."

"Turn on the hot light
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see."

I really laughed out loud. Hard.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

mmmm... Krspy kreme donuts gooood!

Posted by Groovemaster @ 01/08/2002 03:15 PM EST

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