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04/09/2002 Entry: "Biscuits, Flips, and the Goo-Goo Dolls"
Biscuits. My Mom makes them. And she makes killer biscuits. None like 'em. Really. Ask anyone--they'll tell you. I decided several weeks ago to take the plunge. I'm not into baking. That's Sue's department. Give me a skillet. Baking is too rigid. You don't just go to the market, pick out some stuff that looks good, and throw it together. No, baking is more like science. But, I needed to know how to make biscuits. My first batch, Mom was with me. Fantastic. Of course, she was watching over me. I went home that night, and made my second batch. Didn't I just make these 6 hours before? You wouldn't know. They were edible, but not like Moms. Tonight I made batch #3. BINGO! Oh yeah, they were ggoooooddd! I am supposed to take them to work tomorrow. Instead, I ate 2. Tall, flakey, but soft. MMMM. I am now on my own short list of who makes good biscuits. How long I stay there is another story. This all may be a fluke.
Nestle Flips. Genova the Greasy Wop introduced me to them. First bite, I thought they were awful. And yet... I ate another. And another. I'm hooked! I don't know why: I don't like prezels all that much. But put chocolate on them, and Ba-Boom!
While watching the VH-1 "Behind The Music" on the Goo Goo Dolls, I noticed that lead singer Johnny Rzeznik says "You know?" like, every sentence, you know? In fact, he said it 3 times in one sentence!!! Check it out if it comes on. Once you notice he's doing it, it will drive you absolutely crazy.