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07/19/2002 Entry: "Genova hangs wid me before the long weekend"

Genova is here hangin' wid me at the end of the day. He's moving in a week or three. I will miss him a lot.
Those are tears. Soon, I will have a post about Mike, why I love him, and why I will miss him. I will wax poetic, and you all will cry.

Tonight starts a big weekend for me. I play a gig aboard the Monhegan. It was a last minute gig. Jimmy and the Soul Cats were supposed to play, but the lead siger had a family illness, so they had to cancel. That's gets done at 1am. Then I work here at Midcoast at 9am. I need to go to the North Atlantic Blues Festival at least for a little bit tomorrow. I need to see James Cotton and Jimmy Vaughan. Tomorrow nite we play Market on Maine. Done at 1am. Church on Sunday. Sunday afternoon, it's back to the blues fest to see Bo Diddley. Then back to work Monday.

And happy birthday to my nephew Eben. He's 5 tomorrow. And, of course, I'll have to miss it. I always do.
More tears.

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