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09/18/2002 Entry: "A crazy Mac wielding wacko"

Here's a fun thing that happened today. This guy brought his Mac in to us. It was having some problems. Scott took a wack at it the first time. It worked fine here. So the guy gets it home, and it still doesn't work. So they decide to give me a turn. I download some modem scripts and what-not. While I'm doing that, I notice that there are some free upgrades for this guy's OS. So, while it's on the bench, I figure to add the upgrades as well. (And, it was missing some core components that I thought should be added.) So, all goes well, and everything's working here. Then today, the guy calls up. I can tell by his tone he's mad. "You changed my operating system." (Actually, I didn't change it--I installed the updates.) "Now, I can't get my email, my printer doesn't work, you installed some modem stings for an iMac, and I'm going to have toHere's a fun thing that happened today. This guy brought his Mac in to us. It was having some problems. Scott took a wack at it the first time. It worked fine here. So the guy gets it home, and it still doesn't work. So they decide to give me a turn. I download some modem scripts and what-not. While I'm doing that, I notice that there are some free upgrades for this guy's OS. So, while it's on the bench, I figure to add the upgrades as well. (And, it was missing some core components that I thought should be added.) So, all goes well, and everything's working here. Then today, the guy calls up. I can tell by his tone he's mad. "You changed my operating system." (Actually, I didn't change it--I installed the updates.) "Now, I can't get my email, my printer doesn't work, you installed some modem stings for an iMac, and I'm going to have to take this to the local Mac dealer to have it straightened out, and you're going to pay for it!"

OK. Mac modems in the new machines are all the same. Yes the script says it's for an iMac. But it's the same script as a PowerMac G4, the eMac, or any other recent Mac with a built in Mac modem. And I called the Mac dealer, and spoke with their head Mac tech. "Early versions of OS 9 weren't great on the Internet," he said. "They fixed those problems with OS 9.1, and really refined them with OS 9.2." (That's what I installed.) "Have you ever seen an update like this cause this kind of alleged damage?" I asked.

"No," he said. "It shouldn't have anything to do with any of that."

I felt better after venting to my friends here a work.

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