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08/12/2003 Entry: "Fire engine news"
There's news on the fire engine front. Today, I talked with Andy Swift of Firefly Restorations Andy is a nationally known vintage fire engine restorer. We talked for about 20 minutes, and he gave me beaucoup advice. He also agreed to help me should I ever need anything, which is really nice. He also invited me to his shop sometime. The last couple of days, I've been quite psyched about owning a fire engine. It kind of comes and goes. First I feel it, then I don't. Now, I do. I've also got a call into a storage place. Andy advised me that good storage is what keeps everything together. He said one year outside for a Maine winter, and all kinds of stuff will go wrong. So I'm waiting to hear about storage, and also insurance. And then, I think I'll make an offer. Andy also gave me some really great info on the value of the truck. What made me feel good is that my thoughts and his really jibed.
Julia is doing very well. We don't think she has mono after all. She just seems to be in to good of a mood. Everyone says how tired you are with mono. Julia was a little more tired than normal today, but not any more so than she would be with just a cold/flu.
Don't forget about the Meet Billy Rhythm Through Music cd. Email me your physical address if you want one mailed, or if your local, just let me know you want one.
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
I'd like a copy of the Meet billyrhythym CD. Home address still the same.
Posted by Dad @ 08/14/2003 07:49 PM EST