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03/27/2004 Entry: "The results are in!"
Ah, Alison. You wanna know what the results are, huh? Your husband knows. Didn't he tell you? No, of course not! Well, for Alison and the rest of you who don't know, we're having twins! Oh, you knew that. Right. Well, we had the 20 week sonogram on Thursday. It's kind of the half way point thing. Everything looked fine. And, we're having boys. Both of them. Are we sure? Click here for the proof! (The sonographer even circled the naughty bits for easy web identification!)
Good parts? Well, now we've got someone to carry on the Batty name. I've got heirs for Fathers rifle and clock. Julia, as the only girl, will be still be my little Punkin.
Bad parts? Names. We had some good girls names all picked out. We had a single boys name (Nathaniel Lewis) all picked. But two boys? We thought we'd go with William III (after Dad and me--mostly Dad), and Thornton III (after my grandfather and uncle). When it comes right down to it though, Susan's not big on Thornton Eugene. And, without that part of the equation, I have no desire for another William. So it's a bit up in the air still.
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
Congratulations. I love having a boy. I do hope I have a girl next though. But two boys...thats wonderful. Congrats to both you, your wife and Julia!
Posted by Michelle @ 03/30/2004 12:54 AM EST