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05/20/2004 Entry: "Most of this post has been sitting around a while..."

Susan called me at the office a few days ago. Seem the CD club we belong to was having a big sale. So I went wild and bought 1/2 dozen or so new CDs. I bought two Hayseed Dixie CDs--you know, the bluegrass band that does covers of AC/DC songs? There stuff is great. And it sounds fantastic, too. It should, because the label proclaims it was recorded "using a bunch of really expensive German microphones, eight tracks of American analog tape and no EQ whatsoever." Amen.

Susan's birthday seemed to go ok. She wanted cheeseburgers for supper, so I cooked them on the grill, along with a couple of brats for myself. I also made a medley of portabello, yellow pepper, Vidalia, and summer squash. Throw it all into some foil with chopped garlic and a pat of butter, and I must say it was pretty good. Dessert was cheesecake from the Pastry Garden. I got Susan some DVDs that she'd been wanting, and put Julia's name on the Sound of Music one. (Of course, I picked up Das Boot and Citizen Kane for myself!) It was a merry time.

So as I'm leaving work last night, I look over at the bank parking lot, and there's a wrecker over there with a 1920s Maxim Fire Engine. It was beautiful. It appeared to be a chemical truck, with a smallish copper tank under the seat, and a hose bed, but no real pump to speak of. Anyway, it's owned by Story Land (funny, I've been there almost 1/2 dozen times and I'd never seen it), and there sending it to Andy Swift for restoration. (Andy's the premier fire engine restorer in the nation, and he lives just a short drive from here--how handy!)

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