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08/05/2004 Entry: "Pat LaMarche"
I threatened to tell you about this weeks ago. Pat Lamarche is the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Green Party. She's also an acquaitance of mine. About 8 years ago, I was the Community Relations Director for the Rockland Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart as a company had at that time (they may still) two groups that they supported company-wide: The United Way, and The Children's Miracle Network. (Of course, we supported a bunch of other local charities as well. All stores were expected to contribute to the two charities, though.) Pat was the director of CMN at Eastern Maine Med in Bangor. Since the Rockland store was in the Northern Maine division, the Bangor hospital was the recipient of our funds. Every couple of months, all the Wal-Mart P/R people in the division would get together with Pat and plan fundraisers and stuff. Under her leadership, she got our district to commit to 1/2 million dollars to the hospital over 5 years. So, I know her well enough that if we were to see each other in the mall, we'd stop and say hi and chat. In fact, I may know her a little better than that...
I was playing at the Sea Dog in Bangor one night a few years ago. Pat came in with a date and another couple. They had just come from seeing the premier of Pierce Brosnan's first Bond flick. (I guess it was more than a few years ago! It was eight!) In order to really go all out that evening, the guys in this party wore tuxedos, and the gals wore expensive frocks. As they left, Pat decided to be a little playful. She got on her hands and knees and crawled across the stage towards me. You should have seen the bass player's face as the woman in a strapless gown crawled towards the drummer. He was ready to see some action! We had quite the laugh! He'd never met Pat before, and just assumed some stranger was commin' after me!
Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!
Don't forget to change the sonagram pictures to pictures of the boys. Everyone should see how handsome they are!
Posted by Aunt Ginny @ 08/05/2004 04:34 PM EST
I think that was nine years ago and not eight. Not that anyone is counting.
So did you know this?
Posted by Jim @ 08/05/2004 05:44 PM EST