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10/29/2004 Entry: "Halloween MI-5, new author"
Fresh blood for the MI-5 this week. I asked Harvey from Northern Kingdom Music to come up with the questions. He kinda had other things going on, and forgot to email me his choices. So I called him on his cell phone this morning to get his 5. He threw these together with the help of friends Mack and Mario.
1. Who's your favorite horror movie actor?
Those old Poe remakes with Vincent Price are pretty campy and funny. Francis Ford Coppola's version of Dracula is my favorite spooky movie, though Christopher Lee is the best Dracula, IMHO.
2. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
Hmm. The ghost with necktie is a classic, though not a favorite. Mom made me a cool Dracula costume one year, though I refused to slick my hair back. I guess my all time favorite costume is the one I still use: a cloak with cowl and bell sleaves with red trim. Add a skull mask, and presto! you're the grim reaper.
3. What was your favorite Halloween treat?
Why mallowcups only came at halloween is beyond me. They're great!
4. If you had to play a prank, what would be your choice?
So many choices! TP, soap, egss, pumpkin smashing. Smashing a pumpkin seems very satifsfying, but the toilet paper seems the least destructive. So if I could smash the pumpkin without hurting anyone's feelings, I'd do that. Otherwise, TP.
5. Many songs have a scary/dark/spooky feel to them. What's your favorite?
Two come immediately to mind. Every year at this time, I listen to Saint Saens "Danse Macabre," something elementary music teacher Mrs. Chamberlain hooked me on to. Mozart's Requeim is also high on the list of things to listen to this time of year. For more accesible stuff, I'd vote for Scramin' Jay Hawkins' version of "I Put a Spell on You."
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
Sweet-pea....It's Gino not Mario.
Posted by Harvey @ 11/01/2004 03:27 PM EST