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10/30/2004 Entry: "Green Ghost Drum Pedal"

You may or may not know, but I have the preeminant website on the history of the GHOST drum pedal. But one thing was starting to plague me a little. In my earliest memories of the GHOST, I remember it being green. My own GHOST pedal had some tinges of green paint remaining, and when I re-painted it, I left some places unpainted so the original green color could be seen. But other green GHOSTS were not to be found. They never crop up on ebay. (I check new GHOST auctions every day.) I started to wonder. Maybe my memory is faulty. Maybe the green occurs when the more commonly seen grey paint is exposed to sunlight or something. But it's not the case. GHOST drum pedal did in fact come in green, as these pictures of a pedal now for sale on ebay clearly show.

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