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05/30/2006 Entry: "Memorial Day"

Oh, stinky. I'm a day late. I wanted to post this yesterday. In fact, I made plans on Saturday to post it on Monday, and still I forgot. Oh well, here it is.

Four generations of Batty men served their country in the Coast Guard (or one of its former incarnations). My father was a Coastie, as was his father. My great-grandafther was a member of the US Lighthouse Service, and his father-in-law was a member of the US Life-saving Service (I believe). The service of Batty men to their country along the sea ended with me. And, if I had to do it all over again, I'd give my country four years of service in the Coast Guard. Alas, that won't happen.

In honor of those Batty men, here's the Coast Guard Prayer:

"Almighty and Everlasting God, Whose hand stills the tumult of the deep, we offer our prayers for those who serve in our Coast Guard. We are mindful of their traditions of selfless service to the seafarers who make their ways to appointed ports.

Employ their devotions of good ends as they track the weather and search for the seas for those in extremity of storm, shipwreck or battle. Make their soundings and markings sure that safe passages may be found by those who go down to the sea in ships. Encourage them, O Lord, as they stand guard over our coasts and the bulwarks of our freedoms. Graciously deliver them from threatening calamities in all their perilous voyages.

Bless the keepers of the lights and be Thou their close friend in lonely watches. Keep the beacons of honor and duty burning that they may reach the home port with duty well performed, in service to Thee and our land.


Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

please do link to my blog. you can link to brian's too if you want, though his is mostly about libertarian politics. his blog is at: hans-shot-first.blogspot.com

Posted by sarah @ 05/31/2006 06:58 PM EST

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