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12/23/2006 Entry: "Rainy Saturday Before Christmas"

My posting sure has been off this week. Ah well, I've been busy. We went caroling on Tuesday night, and Wednesday I had my drum lesson. Thursday... What was Thursday? And last night Julia and I helped out at the Salvation Army Christmas party. Today, I made breakfast for everyone, and worked on cleaning the kitchen. We finally got the tree up. (We've been keeping it down in an attepmt to keep the boys from destroying it.) My shopping is all done, so I have no plans on going anywhere.

I need to throw out some props to some people. My buddy Jim bought me a nice ammo/range box for my birthday, and I forgot to thank him for it. And Tim "Blink Dresser-Dale" and Lisa from Adult Ed made me my very own "Little Drummer Boy Ale." I kid you not! It's got the website logo on it and everything! What a super nice gift.

I'm not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the day. Susan's not feeling too well, and is upstairs lying down. I should probably put away the clean dishes.

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