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07/05/2007 Entry: "The Vacation Wrap-Up"
Here's the low down on last week's vacation, day by day.
Monday: Susan had a doctor's appointment in the morning, so no major plans until afternoon. Said afternoon was spent at the Maine State Aquarium. We had lots of fun, though the aquarium itself is a little small. There were six or eight displays that were for viewing only. The shark touch tank was fun, though the boys not quite brave enough to try. The tide pool touch tank was also a hit, especially with me and Julia. Towards the end, Nathaniel got a little brave, and he held a starfish. He also asked to hold the sea cucumber, but as soon as it hit his hands, he tossed it back into the water. We explained he needed to be easy with the animals. Matthew didn't touch anything, as I recall.
Tuesday: In the morning, we decided we'd go to the local toy store, and then walk up and down Main Street. At the bottom of Main St., in the wholesale antique shop in what was the First Baptist Church, we spied a hoosier. We've been looking for a hoosier for a couple of years. The thing is, we have a smallish kitchen (which is why having something so practical appeals to us), so we need a smallish hoosier. Most were 48" wide--too wide for the space we have. This one was 40"; just right! And, the price was right too. In fact, it was the cheapest hoosier we'd ever found! So, we bought it. (It's in the garage now, waiting for a nice weekend so I can repaint it.) After looking the hoosier over, we stopped at the Rockland Cafe for lunch. In the afternoon, we went to the beach in Spruce Head, and climbed around Kings Island. Nathaniel increased his bravery, and would hold the little green crabs that we found. Matthew? Nope. Julia? Yes, although she was a little more timid than Nathaniel.
Wednesday: It was hot! We spent most of the day in Bangor at the children's museum. I hadn't seen Gary from Summit Sound since he got his new shop, so I made a stop in there. He has a beautiful Victorian kitty-corner to his shop, and I mentioned how Susan and I loved the style. He said "Have you been on West Broadway?" West Broadway is where Stephen King's house is, as well as a host of beautiful Victorians. It was just a couple of blocks away, so we went over. Stephen's fence has bats on it, but if you aren't watching closely, you won't catch them. So, I like the house, like the fence, like the neighborhood. Mr. King, wanna trade houses?
Thursday was the big travel day. We went to York's Wild Kingdom. Julia loved the butterfly house, as well as feeding the elephant the ice cream cone full of cake scraps. The boys wouldn't touch the elephant. BTW, the elephant had much more hair than I expected, and it was extremely rough. Thursday was the only day that we had any real rain, and both times it happened we were in the car traveling. It rained not at the zoo.
Friday, I had a gig in Ellsworth, so I just kicked around the house mostly, spending a little time on the WWII era drum I won recently.
And there you go!