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11/06/2001 Entry: "Gig at Joshua's in Brunswick"

On Sunday afternoon, I played this gig at a place called Joshua's Tavern in Brunswick. Now this restaurant has a very strange meal policy for bands: food is full price, but liquor is free! (Ususally it's the other way around.) Well, Billy Rhythm stuck to his personal limit of 2 drinks (kind of), but figured "hey, if they're payin' for it, I'll go all out." So I had a Bloody Mary. I had the best Bloody Mary ever! It was fantastic! Very spicy! My first reaction was "Whooo-hooo!" The barmaid thought she made it badly. I said no way, best ever! No mix. Vodka, tomato, horseradish, Lea and Perrins, Tobasco, black pepper, and a little Guiness (never seen that trick before!). Very yummy.

So for the second drink (an hour later, mind) I had a Maker's Mark bourbon. 3 ice cubes. No water. This guy from Georgia is siting next to me and says "You drink bourbon without anything with it?" I explained to him that I like most things un-blended. If you take 3 types of coffee, and mix them together, it's hard to know the true flavor of each one. Why would you take a good bourbon, and mix it with water, or ginger ale, or whatever. He says to me "You are the man!" I agreed. So then Brian says to me (Brian is his name, FYI) "Do you like E and J?" I've never heard of it. Apparently, it's very popular down south. He can't belive I have never heard of it. So he calls his roommate, and asks him to bring the bottle down to the bar! So on the next break (again, an hour later) he gives me a slug of it. Turns out, it's not a bourbon at all: it's a brandy. He's a real brandy freak. I try it. He asks what I think. "It's ok. It's better than Hennesy maybe, but it's nowhere as good as Courvessier." He agrees with me. He's a huge Courvessier fan. So we talk a little more. I tell him I've never tried Remy Martin. He tells me he has a friend in PA who gets Remy for him at $24 a bottle! (It's like $60 here in Maine.) He bought like 16 bottles for him last time! Long story short, Brian wants me to email him next time we play there, so he can bring me some Remy!

Oh, and guess what Brian does? He's a Unix sys/admin for the Navy! So wild crazy brandy props being shot out to him!

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

Every drinker is a potential alchoholic

Posted by Art @ 11/14/2001 12:46 PM EST

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