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02/06/2002 Entry: "Lost HTML gig"
You know what stinks? I knew this guy who was designing a web page. He needed some expertise that Billy Rhythm has, but he doesn't. So I offered to help out ghost writing a little code for him. Now, my part is done. About 3 hours work. And this guy goes and gets fired. Great.
What is great though, is that I also know the new designer. I let him know I already had a page done, if he needed it. Who knows, maybe I'll put the work up here! I always thought what this place needed was an online order form!
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
Try USS Lexington a.k.a. the BLUE Ghost. Will you be editing your text?
Posted by Old Swiv-O-Matic endorser. The pedal, not me! @ 02/10/2002 10:51 AM EST