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03/01/2002 Entry: "Northern Kingdom Music, Rockport Maine. The best music store in the world!"
The other day, my buddy Harv at Northern Kingdom Music (read: the hot dangdest music store that God ever graced the world with) gave me an old Yamaha bass pedal. It needed a little work. Well, I had an old back up pedal, and I shanghai'd some parts from that, and put me together a nice little pedal. It will be my new backup. And what will I do with the old back up? I think I'll give it to my drum student. He's the one that bought my Red Ludwig Vistalite set, and that pedal was none too hot. So Harv loves me, and I pass the love along. And that's what it's all about: musicians lovin' each other, in the non-Biblical sense.
Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!
Feel the love.........Thanks for the donuts!
Posted by Harvey John Curtis III @ 03/01/2002 06:51 PM EST
Wow!!! I stopped at Northern Kingdom and picked up some music stands for church today. I was not only recognized as your Dad but got a hefty discount for being so. Can't beat that with a stick.
Posted by Dad @ 03/05/2002 01:47 PM EST