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07/11/2002 Entry: "Rolling Snare, Dean Props, and whatnot"

At the end of WWII, this soldier comes home and decides to celebrate by buying a new car (a Buick) and a new set of drums. He drops off the drums, and takes the new Buick for a cruise. While he's out, he rolls the Buick over, and breaks his back. He never gets to play the new set! And yet, he hangs on to them. So this guy has, literally, a New Old Stock (NOS) Slingerland Rolling Bomber set. Here is a picture of the snare. The cool thing about the Rolling Bombers? During the war, metal was rationed, and drums could contain only 10% metal. So, lugs and rims were made out of wood. See those beautiful rosewood lugs? Very nice. I want one of these, mostly for the oddity reasons.

I want to thank Dean from Textism. I was having some problems with my fonts is OS-X, and he hipped me to a cool little tweak called Tinker Tool. It's cool. If you're running OS 10.1.X, you must have this.

Funny. I spoke in an earlier post about the Ludwig Las Vegas model, and how I'd never actually seen one except in pictures. Well low and behold, one shows up on ebay!

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