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07/12/2002 Entry: "Senses Census"

the senses census

what is your favorite...
1. ...sound? A snare drum. Thunder. Julia's giggle.
2. ...sight? The cute pictures of Julia that Susan takes.
3. ...smell? Cumin.
4. ...taste? Chocolate.
5. ...feeling (tactile)? That little spot on the small of Sue's back.
6. ...feeling (emotional)? Happiness.

what is your least favorite...
1. ...sound? PA System feedback.
2. ...sight? An eyeball somewhere where God didn't intend it, e.g. outside of someone's head.
3. ...smell? That smell at the dump when FMC dumps their fish waste.
4. ...taste? Bile.
5. ...feeling (tactile)? Dirt.
6. ...feeling (emotional)? Rage.

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