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11/25/2002 Entry: "Thanks Chuck, Hot Sax, and the end of WSS"

I want to say thanks to Chas. He bought a new filter for the Macquarium. The old undergravel filter wasn't working well, so he bought a Whisper Microfilter. It's way quieter. Way.

On tonight's show, Jim and I are going to play tunes highlighting the saxophone. Penelope from WBACH suggested it. She just got a new James Moody CD. James, of course, a saxaphone player for whom Moody's Mood for Love was written. Written by whom? You guessed it--Frank Stalone. No, actually, Eddie Jefferson wrote it.

West Side Story is done. I did ok, I guess. The greatest compliment was this: the pianist is working on Les Miserables for another troup in the area this summer. She asked me if I wanted to do it--the job was mine if I wanted it. The pay? $100. Per show? No, for the whole run! That's two weekends in prime gig time. I had to tell her no. I can't give up gigs that pay $100 a night to play for $15 a night. Simple economics, my friends. And that's why local theaters can't get the best musicians. Imagine what the summer musical scene would be if they paid for the best musicians! The shows would cook, draw a bigger crowd, and give them more net. I think.

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