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04/10/2003 Entry: "Wellman Bubinga, the Custom Drum"
Wellman Hupper was a guy who used to play fiddle at my church on Sunday evenings. He attended Advent Christian Church in Port Clyde on Sunday morning. Sunday nights, he played fiddle, Mom played the organ, Lisa played piano, I played drums, and Pastor Ken played guitar. Wellman grew up palying by ear. But her could read music too. Many times, a hymn would be called. Wellman, hard of hearing, wouldn't catch the hymn number. He'd just wait a bar or two, figure out what hymn it was, and what key, and just play it. And since he grew up in the days before radios and television, he knew all the tunes the folks liked to hear at the Saturday night dances. Everyone always wanted him to play "Lady of the Lake." He knew all kinds of jigs and reels.
It is in his honor that I name the first drum I've ever named. In this way, I can still play with Wellman.
Here's Wellman on the work bench. See how he's got BUBINGA!!! on the inside too? Kevin, the designer, said he didn't have any pictures of drums he's made with veneer on the inside. So he's going to use some pictures on his site. Here's Wellman with some of his hardware on. And finally, Wellman himself, all done. He's supposed to be shipped to me tomorrow.
Replies: 4 people have rocked the mic!
Great name. Hope the drum lives up to it. I still miss that fiddle.
Posted by Dad @ 04/11/2003 06:51 AM EST
I miss Wellman...The drum however would make a great Lazy-Susan.....
Posted by Harvey @ 04/11/2003 12:04 PM EST
hello! I am an Iranian. I read your weblog.It's intersting.what is your opinion about my weblog?
Posted by hadi @ 04/11/2003 05:58 PM EST
You made me cry!
Posted by Lisa @ 04/14/2003 01:54 PM EST