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07/24/2003 Entry: "Flowers for Grampy and Grammie-Nan"

Thanks to Mom for cutting my hair tonight. It will help me look sharp for my gig tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow's gig, there'll be a few days of lite posting. Tomorrow I gig from 11am until 4pm on a boat. Saturday, I work in the morning, and have to play in Bar Harbor on Saturday night. Bar Harbor, for those of you in Florida, is about 2 hours away when there's no traffic. Of course, there's always traffic in Bar Harbor in the summer, so it's more like almost tree hours. Anyway...

Here's a picture of a pretty girl, along with the flowers Grammy-Nan let her pick for her mommy.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

Hey I found this on ebay on google trying to do a research on Crestar Tama's. I heard these are very rare. I went to a garage sale a while back ago and found a 16x16 floor tom w/legs, 10x10 mounted tom, and 12x12 mounted tom. The rims have been mounted. It light pearl purple color. I don't know if its the Lipstick Red or the Heather Metallic. I was wanting to find a matching bass but didn't realize until checked the internet that it would impossible to find. Since you know about these drums I was wondering if you knew of an option or how much they would be worth. Let me know when you get some spare time please. Thank you, Josh

Posted by Josh Cloud @ 07/29/2003 12:40 PM EST

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