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07/31/2003 Entry: "Onion tart for lunch"

Having lunch in the office today. With the Lobster Festival in town, no one wants to give up their parking spot. I had some of Carol's onion tart. Now, I know I've been singing the praises of her onion tart for weeks, but it really does go deeper than that. Check out this post from over a year ago, and see me dreaming about onion tart. (Just for fun, I've been reading my own archives. Strange to see some posts I've forgotten.)

Also, if I ever have another web log, I think I'll name it "Onion Tart."

Wanna know what I'm listening to on lunch break? Here ya' go!
Chocolate Salty Balls, Chef
Facts About Jimmy, Shawn Colvin
Witchita Skyline, Shawn Colvin
*****, The Rolling Stones

Some racy stuff in there, no?

Also, I fixed the link for the quiz, so if you want to take it, click the link a little below.

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