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12/08/2003 Entry: "Oh, and by the way..."

After a year of trying, Susan and I are having a baby.

The first people I told? This is my first mention of it.

Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!

Congrats! I'm very happy for you both! I'm sure Julia will be thrilled to have a little brother or sister. I, myself have 6 more weeks to go before my little boy is born. Now we can trade war stories! Good Luck!


Posted by Michelle @ 12/09/2003 08:38 PM EST

In keeping with the Batty child naming method of First Name = Beatles Song, Middle Name = Jazz Standard I have the following suggestion:

Pepper Indigo Batty.

Posted by Paddy @ 12/11/2003 09:09 AM EST

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