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01/30/2004 Entry: "Friday 5"

You have just won one million dollars:

1. Who do you call first? Assuming Susan wasn't with me, I'd call her first. If she was with me, then my parents.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? Probably a bebop set of burnt orange Gretsch Broadkasters, a Tama rosewood snare, and a fire truck. All at once, and all from the same guy. :-)

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? I would buy Susan what she's always dreamed of owning, but never thought she could. On I slightly sad note, I don't know what that would be. But I do think she'd like a bigger house with a full-time servant.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Harmony Bible Church gets 10%. I only ask they use some of it to buy a bell. If they would use some to buy more property so we could have a church-side graveyard, that would be a bonus.

5. Do you invest any? If so, how? Gotta put some away for the kids. Nothing to aggressive, but not savings bonds either.

Replies: 4 people have rocked the mic!

Would you buy your sister a house & servant too? (Maybe Sue & I could share the servant.)

Posted by Lisa @ 01/30/2004 10:59 AM EST

A bigger house with a servant would be nice. I can't think of anything else, since marrying me and giving me children is all I ever wanted. (BTW--Lisa, I would share with you!)

Posted by beloved @ 01/30/2004 02:59 PM EST

As a Banker I sayeth this:

NEVER BUY SAVINGS BONDS! Well, at least for right now. The approximate time period for maturity is between 18 and 20 years. Won't do much for the kids if they've already graduated from college!!!!!

Now, if you won the lottery, I would suggest putting money into a 529 plan, which is a savings plan for kids going to college.

There, I've done my good deed for the day.

Posted by Amanda McKenney @ 02/07/2004 08:15 AM EST

Man, that would look rad with my 6120!

Then Daddy-O needs to get the Broadkaster bass to go with!



Posted by Quick @ 02/09/2004 02:03 PM EST

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