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02/06/2004 Entry: "Sidewalk Venting"

We have these things here in this city. I bet you have them in your city/town/burg too. They're called streets. They're made for cars to drive on. Some of these "streets" get pretty busy. What I mean is, sometimes there are lots of cars driving on these streets. Some streets are so busy, it's hard for pedestrians to walk nearby. So someone somewhere along the line invented this cool thing. It's about 24"-36" wide, and 4"-8" high. They're usually made of pavement or concrete, but sometimes they're made from bricks. On the edge, there's usually a lip of concrete, or in some fancy places, they make a little edge out of granite. We call these things--at least around here--sidewalks. And, they're supposed to be used for pedestrians to walk. But NOT around here. Oh no, let's walk down the middle of the frickin' street instead of using a sidewalk. "Oh look, there's a sidewalk on that side of the road. Too bad there isn't one on this side, or I might be tempted to walk on it! Of course, I couldn't think of crossing the street. That's not my style."

[end vent]

Replies: 3 people have rocked the mic!

I think you should be allowed to run over people that are not in sidewalks. I also don't think it too much to ask that people should be able to wait 15 seconds to cross the street when an ambulance is coming. They step right and look at like you like they are daring you to hit them. Meanwhile patient is made uncomfortable by the quick stop. Oh well, People's Rights.

Posted by DAD @ 02/06/2004 06:06 PM EST

I think you should be allowed to run over people that are not in sidewalks. I also don't think it too much to ask that people should be able to wait 15 seconds to cross the street when an ambulance is coming. They step right and look at like you like they are daring you to hit them. Meanwhile patient is made uncomfortable by the quick stop. Oh well, People's Rights.

Posted by DAD @ 02/06/2004 06:06 PM EST

Funny you should say that. Why just yesterday I had an incident of sidewalk avoidance that was so batant I almost went back and talked to the guy. I am not kidding.

At lunch I like to drive home and enjoy my lunch in the peace of my little cozy home office. So my journey back to work is done on Union St. Some of you travel this street or are famiar with it but for those that don't it is basically a two lane street (both in the same direction) and the only way they were able to fit two lanes in the road is to make them pretty narrow. So here I am returning to work yesterday and this guy is walking on the sidewalk on Union street. He then walks by the end of a street and when he comes back to the sidewalk instead of stepping up he veers to the right a bit and starts walking in the middle of the street RIGHT NEXT TO THE SIDEWALK! As I drive down the street I look at him in my rearview mirror and there he is walking almost in the middle of the lane right next to the sidewalk. What a moron!

Posted by Jim @ 02/06/2004 09:58 PM EST

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