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05/28/2004 Entry: "Lisa and Susan will love this"

Pop lyrics quiz for 80s music. My final score was 80. I'd have gotten a couple more, but spelling counts!

Replies: 3 people have rocked the mic!

I only got a 68 1/2. Most of the ones I missed I knew as soon as I saw the answer, but there were a few I didn't recognize. I missed #1 because of spelling.

Posted by beloved @ 05/28/2004 07:39 PM EST

I also missed a couple because of spelling. Billie not Billy Jean. From now on, you shall be spelled Billie Rhythm!

Posted by Paddy @ 05/30/2004 12:24 AM EST

I got a 59.6. Two excuses though: They took away 30% because I was born in the 60s, and the baby woke up half-way through, so I couldn't go back and think about the ones I didn't know immediately. I can say that for the most part, the ones I didn't get off the top of my head, I never would've gotten (got?). Really fun quiz. I'm going to try to get Dwane to do it. He's an 80s music junkie.

Posted by Lisa @ 05/30/2004 07:32 AM EST

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