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08/20/2004 Entry: "Birthday Style MI-5"

1) What is the first birthday you really have a memory of?
Tough one. I'm going to guess age five or six. I have a picture of a birthday party with a bunch of friends: Janice Yattaw (now Janice Cox), Eric Bunker (now desceased), Denny Davis (now who knows?), Eric Godin, and Jason Butman. It was a skull and crossbones themed party. Not a pirate party, mind. The emphasis was on the skull. I had a skull and crossbones cake, and we played pin-the-crossbones-under-the-skull. I still have a fascination with skulls.

2) What was you favorite childhood birthday?
None really spring to mind as a favorite. I remember my twelveth birthday as being somewhat unusual, though. Someone (my sister maybe) entered me in a drawing for a McDonalds birthday party. I was a little old for that kind of thing, but we did it anyway. This was back when the Rockland McDonalds had a playground out front. There's a picture of me somewhere with a bunch of my friends hanging out of a Mayor McCheese climby-thingy.

3) What was your most interesting/adventurous birthday as an adult?
I'm not much into birthdays, really. Ususally, I pick what the family has for Sunday dinner. There will be some cake with frosting from a can (I like canned frosting). My folks will renew my subscription to Modern Drummer. My sister will get me a calendar of some sort, and what I get from Susan will be up in the air. That's about it.

4) If you could have one physical thing, ONE thing, for your birthday this year, what would you want and why?
Jump ball between Tama rosewood snare, Slingerland "Rolling Bomber" snare, a solid shell Slingerland Radio King with beavertail lugs and Super "clamshell" strainer, or some copper cookware.

5) Do you have any future plans for a special birthday for yourself (e.g. 40th or 50th)?
None. See first sentence of #3.

Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!

Hey, I didn't know it was Paddy's B-Day, wish him a happy one for me, will ya.

Thanks. LOL

Posted by Joe C @ 08/20/2004 03:49 PM EST

Okay, see.... now you've gotten MY attention with the copper cookware!! That's a good price too... hmmmmmmm..... wink

Posted by Maria @ 08/22/2004 04:45 PM EST

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