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09/10/2004 Entry: "Friday MI-5, compliments of Paddy"

JT had the MI-5 last week, and asked me this morning if I would do this weeks. Sure. Before I could do it, though, I breezed by Paddy's site, and see he's already got one up from somewheres else. Well, rather than do two, let's just do Paddy's this week, and I'll take the MI-5 for next week. For those of you who want to play along, but don't have a blog, just put your answers here in the comments section, ok?

1. What are you looking forward to this fall?
I love fall. October is my favorite month. I'm looking forward to a cool evening in the back yard with a cigar and a bottle of red wine. (It probably won't happen :-) ) I'd also like to take a leaf peeping trip, and fall brunch at the Samoset is always nice.

2. What do you regret in the past year?
Hmm. Not much, I guess. I regret not spending as much time as I should praying. I regret not being home much, but I understand I've got to do it. I regret not buying Engine #4. I should've just forked over the $3000.

3. Who was your favorite teacher?
I don't really have a favorite, but I have a few that made major impressions. Marlene Hall and Dick Walton of the RDHS music department. Tim Dresser in Biology, and Roz Costa in English.

4. What was your favorite subject?
I pretty much enjoyed everything but math. I did ok in math, but I certainly didn't enjoy it.

5. I've handed you $500 that you must spend new clothing for the fall. Tell us how you'd spend it.
I need new oxford shirts, new pants, and a new winter coat. I really need a winter coat. I didn't have one last year. This year, I'm going to spring for a toggle coat.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

1. I love fall, as well. I really look forward to going apple picking in Hope. I'd also love to plant some flower bulbs, but with the baby, I'm not sure it will happen.

2. I guess I kindda regret not taking a "summer vacation" like camping or going to Story Land. Of course, we had a wonderful cruise in the spring, but I felt bad that Eben didn't have a major event for "What I Did for Summer Vacation". (He didn't complain, though. He got to see a couple of lighthouses this summer, and that's all he really cares about.)

3. I'd probably have to say Mr. Borgerson, who was my 5th and 6th grade teacher. I just loved him. He was a "fatherly" type.

4. I loved Mr. Dresser's Honors Biology class, but I didn't do well academically. I also loved Advanced Office Procedures.

5. The kids need the clothing more than I do--they both could use jackets, pants, and shirts for cooler weather. If I HAD to spend it on myself, I'd probably buy the "What Not to Wear" book (I'm hooked on that show), and buy some clothes that really fit me based on the advice in the book.

Posted by Lisa @ 09/10/2004 03:32 PM EST

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