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10/01/2004 Entry: "Free Weekend, the lunchtime post"

I've got the weekend off! Yahoo! No gigs, no work at the office. Wanna know when the last time that happened was? Well, the boys were born on July 23rd, a Friday. I was supposed to play that Saturday, but of course I cancelled. So that was the last one. The one before that? May 1st, when I was on the cruise. Bottom line? It's been months since I had a totally free weekend. What am I going to do? Well let me tell you!

Last night, the adult ed class I was supposed to teach got canceled because of a bomb scare. So, I had a surprise night off! I did some quick shopping at Wal-Mart after work. Then I went home and mowed the lawn. After that, I made this great chicken caesar salad Susan and I both love. Then I washed the dishes. After Julia read me her story, I wrote up the MI-5 so they'd be ready this morning. The boys fell asleep about 9:30pm, so we went to bed.

Bed was uneventful, if you disregard Susan's bloody nose, her bonking one of the boys on the head, her waking up with a nightmare, and my dream about shooting myself in the chest with a 16 gauge side-by-side (ala Van Gogh).

Tonight, I'm making supper. Tomorrow morning, breakfast. Then to Augusta to do some shopping. We'll be taking the boys out for their first lunch in a restaurant. I'm sure they won't order anything! New clothes for me if things go right. Maybe a movie in the evening? Who knows! I can play it all by ear!

Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!

Finally! maybe you can squeeze in a little down time too? I worry about you guys. Your plate is so full. Have a great weekend. smile

Posted by Aunt Ginny @ 10/01/2004 02:44 PM EST

Totally free weekends are nice. I got two of them in August and I took advantage of them by going somewhere. My weekends are nothing like yours but I always have homework to do. I have time to do things but that homework is always there like a monkey on my back. I will be glad to be free of that.

Posted by Jim @ 10/01/2004 09:14 PM EST

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