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05/09/2005 Entry: "The Mothers Day Weekend Wrap-Up"
Weekend Wrap Up
Friday, I left the office at 4pm, and headed to my gig with the Steel Drum band. We played at this local boat yard/yacht broker, and apparently every other Friday they have a thank-you cookout. The only male steel drummer in the band works there, and got us the gig. It was a little windy, but the rain held off. There was all kinds of food and beverages, and it was a really laid back time. Mike, the band leader, couldn't be there, but we managed ok without him. The one thing the band needs to work on is time. If you start a song at one tempo, you should try and keep it there 'til the end. If it speeds up/slows down a little, that's one thing. But this band likes to race. I kept trying to hold them back, and they keep thinking things were too slow. Hey, I'm just trying to keep the tempo we started with.
Saturday morning, Susan went to a scrapbooking bible study at the church, and Julia had dance class, so I stayed home with the boys. They were well behaved, and when Susan came home, I had already fed them lunch, cleaned them up, and had them down for their afternoon nap. Paddy picked me up mid-afternoon, and we went to our Three Button Deluxe gig for the Mother's Day Dine and Dance at the A/V Nickels Inn. The crowd was small, but appreciative. And as I've said many times, you get more energy from playing to a small crowd who likes what you're doing than you do from a big crowd who doesn't even realize you're there. (The Sea Dog gigs were the worst. The place would be packed, but the clientele were all there to see and be seen. They weren't there for the music. I remember playing an absolutely slaying version of "Red House" at the Sea Dog in Bangor, and having no one clap. I mean, this version burned, and if you know me at all, you know I'm pretty hard on critiquing my own stuff. But that version was hot!)
I got home 'round midnight, and made the pasta salad for the cookout I organized for Mothers Day. While the pasta was cooking, I read The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock by TS Elliot. I was reminded of it by a song Paddy and I listened to on the way home.
"For I have known them all already, known them all:—
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?"
--TS Elliot
"Someday I'll have a disappearing hairline
Someday I'll wear pyjamas in the daytime
Afternoons will be measured out
Measured out, measured with
Coffeespoons and T.S. Eliot"
--Crash Test Dummies
Ok, so it's a little weird reading TS Elliot at midnight. Well, maybe not.
Sunday, I got up and made Susan (mother of my children) bacon, eggs (over medium), toast and coffee--her favorite breakfast. We got the kids packed up, packed up the food, went to church, and then to Mom and Dad's for Mothers Day lunch. I cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, and brats. Pasta salad was made, as discussed, the night before. Susan picked up some German 'tater salad at the grocery on Saturday. Sunday afternoon I was pooped, so I laid down on the living room floor for a little snooze. The boys were being fussy, so I didn't go to evening church, and stayed home to help Susan. I washed the dishes, and made supper about 8pm, I guess. Bed was 11pm. Nathaniel woke me up at 4:30 for a 45 minute session of nothing, then his brother woke me up at 6am. I woke up tired. I hope to go to bed early tonight.
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
Well now, we have been having some computer issues here but now they "seem" fine. Does this message make me a blogger? What a perfectly modern age in which we live, Billy R? Bash away all nite evry nite...out
Posted by Henry Dugan @ 05/20/2005 11:46 AM EST