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06/18/2005 Entry: "Something I forgot to post yesterday"
Man, no posts from me all week! But when I look at the other blogs I link to, no one there is posting either. Must be a busy (or slow) week. Mine's been busy. I was off Monday night, so I did a bunch of web work. Then Tuesday night I played a small gig for a bus tour with Three Button Deluxe. Although it seemed the crowd was not really into it for the most part, we swung 'em around with our charm, and by the end of the night, they were asking us to come back! Wednesday night I was supposed to have a drum lesson, but it canceled. The father of the student asked if it was possible to reschedule. It isn't. Last night, The Uptown Rhythm Kings played jazz gig. I booked Paddy and Linc Blake to play, and then Clarke (who had a gig in town) dropped by to sit in. It was nice. It really was. We played some good stuff, and the crowd really liked us. Tonight, we're playing in full Three Button mode over at the Brass Compass.
Yesterday, Julia had her closing program at school. She was the "most improved" student in her class. She won a free ticket to see the Sea Dogs play baseball. So the plan for tommorow is a little strange. At least Julia and I will be going down. I have a gig in Waldoboro that gets done at 1:30, so we'll head down to Portland after that. Susan may go. If she does, then the boys will be going to Grandma's in Somerville. Which means Sunday, Julia and I will be going to church in Spruce Head, and Susan will be picking up the boys at her mom's.