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08/09/2005 Entry: "As Marvin Would Say..."

What's goin on? Well, right now I'm making supper for the fam. Julia got invited to vacation Bible school at Owls Head Baptist, and Susan's gone to pick her up. The boys are sleeping. It's already Tuesday, and I haven't done my weekend wrap up yet. Last night I was right out straight, with a drum lesson, a church meeting, and then a gig. I'm home tonight, and have been doing a little web work. Tomorrow I work until 6pm, and then have another church meeting. This being a deacon bit has quite a bit to it! Thursday night I'm off, so perhaps I'll get the lawn mowed then. And I need a haircut desperately! How bad? You can see from these photos JP took of me playing with Mac on Sunday.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

My favorite photo of you is DSC 0043
No explaination necessary smile

Posted by Groovemaster @ 08/10/2005 08:59 AM EST

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