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12/02/2005 Entry: "Props and Christmas"

Let's shoot out some props, shall we? I haven't done this in a while. If I have forgotten you, please leave a comment so I can re-post your props.

First, to my beloved wife Susan. Yesterday, she made a lovely supper: pork roast with gravy (very yum), roasted potatoes (yum), and French onion casserole (super yum!). And she did all the corresponding dishes too! (And Susan HATES to hand wash dishes.) It took several hours. Thank you honey! While she was making me this fabulous supper, I got to play with the boys, and listen to some vinyl on the Thorens. (I listened to The Fabulous Thunderbirds and Donald Fagen.)

Props out to Mom. I'm playing a Christmas Jazz gig tomorrow, and I was going to pick up a hymnal at church so we could use it. I forgot to grab it at Bible study on Wednesday. So she dropped it off today for me at the office. And, she brought a dozen Dunkin Donuts for everyone. Thanks Mom.

Jim continues to enable my chocolate habit. In the last couple of months, he's bought me some really great chocolate, including some Scharfen Berger. Then yesterday, he hooked me up with some Hershey Extra Dark. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


So, Christmastime is here, carols everywhere. If you're looking for gift ideas for Billy Rhythm, don't forget to check out my Amazon Wish List. Some things, though, just aren't on there. Here are some other ideas.

A moon phase watch. Something along the look of that one, but it doesn't have to be that exact one. I would like a model with a leather band, though, and not one with a bracelet.

So at that site, I also found this clock radio. Now another one, much like it but more expensive, has been on my Amazon list for a while. This other one does all the same stuff, but costs 1/4 the price.

A Bosphorus Stanton Moore Wide Ride. 20", and as thin as you can get it, please! (Only about $280! Heck, I should ask for BOTH sizes at that price!) You could also opt for the slightly less expensive Istanbul "Mel Lewis" 19" crash/ride. About $200 for that one. You could all go in together, maybe.

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