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05/31/2006 Entry: "Another Fire Engine Out Of My Life"
Well, I don't think it's going to happen. I was trying to keep it a surprise. This weekend, I checked out a 1969 American Lafrance 900 series fire engine, much like this one. When I actually checked it out, I thought "Oh, man, this thing is just too big." It's actually bigger than the one in the photo; the one I looked at is taller in the back--probably because it has a 1000 gallon water tank. Well, the guy was only asking $1000, so I figured I'd at least check into insurance and what-not. Jim Raye of Raye Insurance found me a policy for $64 for a year! So then I start thinking "Maybe I should snag it." As of last night, I thought I was going to.
Then today on my lunch break, I called world renowned fire engine restorer Andy Swift. He knew the engine in question. In fact, he has one just like it if I ever needed parts. And he said "What do you want to do with it?" And I said "Take the kids for ice cream in it!" And he said "That is so not the right truck for you."
He went on to give me some really great advice. Like, on a truck that big, the hose bed is six feet up. What if a kid falls off? Heck, the rear bumper is so high you have to hoist yourself up! And gas. He said "This thing's a PIG!" He thought I might get 5 mpg. That means taking a drive to Mom's house would cost me over $10!
Instead, Andy said he'd keep his eye open for me for something small, open cab, and fun. Maybe like a Model A or something. Jim thinks I'm crazy, and that I should snag the big guy. My brother-in-law Dwane said "If I had a dream like you, and that truck came around, I wouldn't have left without buying it. What do you think?
Replies: 3 people have rocked the mic!
Sir you are crazy not to take this truck. Please do so for me as a personal favor. Ok I admit it. This is just Jim.
Posted by Fernando Gonzales @ 05/31/2006 09:48 PM EST
Choosing a firetruck is not the time to get all practical and everything.
Posted by jp @ 06/02/2006 12:31 PM EST
I don't know ANYTHING about firetrucks except that some are Red and some are green and some are orange. But if that is a good price for a firetruck...you SHOULD DO IT!!!
Posted by Amy @ 06/02/2006 02:53 PM EST