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06/19/2006 Entry: "Oh, Yes... Comments"

I've been getting a bunch of comment spam recently. It usually happens in spurts, but I've never gotten as much as I have now. I've shut the comments off for a little bit, to see if they'll go away. We'll see how long before spam shows up in this post. Comment away!

Replies: 3 people have rocked the mic!

Act now and get this beautiful..... Oh nevermind

Posted by Jim @ 06/19/2006 10:20 PM EST

Do they even make spam any more? Just kidding. This is not spam.....this is me LOL

Posted by Amy @ 06/20/2006 11:29 AM EST

Can you write a haiku about spam??

Posted by Jane @ 06/21/2006 09:12 AM EST

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