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07/30/2007 Entry: "The Weekend Wrap Up"

I left the office on Friday, and headed right to my gig in Portland at Brian Boru. Nothing of an major interest happened, but I did call Paddy and Shatema to let them know I was in town. They came and heard a set, and that was nice.

Saturday morning I slept nice and late: 8:30am. I did some little stuff around the house; I mowed the lawn, ran a few errands, and fixed the wallpaper in the boys' room. Around 4pm, I left for my gig with the steel drum band in Camden. The bugs ate my legs for two hours. I have the bites to prove it! I was home well before 9pm--an early Saturday night for me!

Sunday morning I woke up and made breakfast for the fam: Plain pancakes for Nat, raspberry pancakes for Susan, and chocolate chip pancakes for Julia, Matt, and me. Then church, and lunch at Mom's. I had an appointment with a plumber at 2pm, so we raced out after eating lunch. When we got home, the answering machine had the plumber's cancellation call on it. So, I was able to get a nap in after all. We had a potluck supper at church in the evening, and I made a "salad" of grilled sausages with roasted onions and peppers. I thought it was really good, and there wasn't much left of it at the end of the night. Then I came home, and watched a little TV with Susan. What I completely forgot was that Paddy was here in Rockland playing a gig on Sunday night. He invited me a few weeks ago, and reminded me when he came to my gig on Friday. Yet by Sunday, I had forgotten. Sorry Paddy!

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