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06/08/2008 Entry: "Tal Wilkenfeld"

Was anyone going to tell me? Watching the Eric Clapton "Crossroads Guitar Festival," you'll see Jeff Beck playing one of my absolute favorite songs: "'Cause We've Ended as Lovers." At the concert, Vinnie Coliuta is playing drums. And who's playing bass? It's some girl! She looks like, honestly, she should still be in high school! (I've since found out she's 21.) She rips out a solo that is absolutely killer! I mean, it's crazy good! Crazy good. You don't see too many females on certain instruments. The female drummers are starting to get some respect, but still, I can count the famous ones on two hands. Female bass players? Good ones? I couldn't name one. Well, I can name one now--and she's great, regardless of sex or age. But 21? Yowza! I'm not one for posting youtube links, but you should go watch this.

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