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07/30/2008 Entry: "Youtube Finds"

I'm not usually one for posting YouTube stuff, but I've found some good ones tonight:

1: Charlie Hunter playing Greasy Granny. Now, the amazing thing about Mr. Hunter is he plays the guitar and the bass at the same time! No joke! He's got an eight string guitar: he plays three bass strings with his thumb, and five guitar strings with his other four fingers. Check it out! You'd think his trio is a four piece band! You'd never know he didn't have a regular bass player.

2: A sweltering cha-cha by Poncho Sanchez called Besame Mama. I love this song, and never tire of hearing it.

3: Tito Puente on Sesame Street, complete with the "stick around the head" trick. Dig the faces he makes when he plays! I make some of those same faces!

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

I liked your YouTube finds. That Charlie Hunter is amazing! Impeccable coordination to be able to do that.

Posted by Jack @ 07/31/2008 10:59 PM EST

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