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08/01/2008 Entry: "Friday Fill-Ins #83"

May answers are in bold

1. If I could travel back in time, I'd go to the Holy Land back in Jesus' time.

2. Give me black coffee or give me something else to drink. (And if my only option is hazelnut coffee, well, I guess I'll go thirsty.)

3. I am listening to a lot more Jazz lately, specifically Grant Green's "Idle Moments."

4. Somewhere, someone is thinking "Has anyone seen my Palm Pilot?"

5. I'll always be a father and a drummer. And, in love with Susan!

6. My idea of a good time includes me, Susan, and kids at grandma's house!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to helping with the church's Lobster Festival parade float, tomorrow my plans include a gig in some town three hours away, and Sunday, I want to go fishing!

Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!

What's wrong with hazelnut coffee??? I love the stuff!

Have fun with the gig and the float and fishing on the weekend smile What do you fish for, bass, trout...?

Posted by Jack @ 08/01/2008 09:31 AM EST

Lobstah festival, woohoo!

Thanks for playing, hope you have a great weekend :-)

Posted by Janet @ 08/01/2008 03:33 PM EST

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