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11/26/2001 Entry: "Low Z Studio"
So Barry from Low Z Studio invites me over, purportedly to record a drum track that he felt I would be better suited towards. So I go over, run the tune down, get it under my fingers, and record it in like 3 real takes. After I'm fairly happy with the take, Barry clues me in: he really hasn't gotten the go ahead for this project. He's actually going to be the drummer on it. So I go over, teach him the groove (that really blew his first attemps out of the water, with a cool half time thing I was doing), so he can steal it from me, and then record his own version!!! Dude, can you come over and give me a free lesson! I mean, c'mon! After I tell him what a swampy thing this is to do, he now says he'll give me some kind of credit. Yeah, whatever. And PS, Barry looks just like Shaggy from Scooby Doo!
Replies: 4 people have rocked the mic!
Hehe, shaggy.
Posted by Digital Harmonics @ 11/26/2001 04:40 PM EST
I felt really bad for Billy Rhythm not getting any studio action. Sometimes I want to almost breakdown in tears because of it...sniff...Anyway I was having a bit of a perpleximafunction with the versamachorus that Bill did help cheer me on with, cause let's face it, who has the real licks? Thanks Bill for the good laugh you gave me :)
Posted by groovemaster @ 11/26/2001 04:45 PM EST
yeah like I gots da licks but I needs da rhythm so I call my local homebro rythemasta to get me all down with it like dat. I sees you on da flip side homes.
Posted by cooldrums @ 11/26/2001 04:50 PM EST
Low Z...very funny
Posted by groovemaster @ 11/26/2001 04:53 PM EST