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07/05/2002 Entry: "Vacation Update"
Friday of vacation. It goes by fast. Monday and Tuesday we took Julia to Storyland. She loved the maze, and, of course, Cinderella's Castle. She also had to do the Dr. Geyser ride twice, and the the safari ride twice. Thanks to Unk, cousin Jen, and Cousin Sarah for comming along.
Wednesday I decided to work on the deck. It was 93 degrees. I didn't last long. For 3 1/2 hours work, I sure didn't get much done! It took me an hour and a half just to recover! I laid in the bathtub, shower on, drain closed, and let the water fall all over me.
Yesterday, we did the parade thing. It wasn't as well attended as usual. We had a picnic with Sarah, a friend of Julia's from school. Again, the heat was getting to me, and I got a wicked headache. Fireworks last night.
Today's plans? Dump. Grocery store to get some coffee (we're out!). Bank. Post office. Jim and Rachelle's in Brunswick to say hi.
Don't forget Billy Rhythm at The Black Bull in Rockland tomorrow night!