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09/28/2002 Entry: "The Friday 5 on Saturday"

(Stolen from Triffles.)

1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind?

Sit on couch. Have a little taste of bourbon. Neat. Once every three months, have a cigar. Once every six months, just sit and cry like a baby. A good cry is very refreshing.

2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands?

Kiss Susan. It's a little something I picked up at the marriage conference Susan and I attended. Always kiss your spouse first. Put them first in the human pecking order--kids come next. One of my favorite catch phrases is "How do you show your children that you love them? Love their mother."

3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells?

Coffee and bacon. Ok, not really aroma therapy. Salt sea roses. Lavender. Lemon.

4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself?

By myself, for the most relaxation. However, time totally alone usually doesn't happen. By I can relax ok with just the family.

5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't?

Not much, really. I guess I like the textbook relaxation stuff. Jazz, a little bourbon, a really good meal at S. and my favorite restaurant. I find driving relaxing, and some don't like driving, so maybe that's it. I find working on drums relaxing, but it's work. So I do it and enjoy it, but if I don't have to do it, then that's fine.
5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't?

Not much, really. I guess I like the textbook relaxation stuff. Jazz, a little bourbon, a really good meal at S. and my favorite restaurant. I find driving relaxing, and some don't like driving, so maybe that's it. I find working on drums relaxing, but it's work. So I do it and enjoy it, but if I don't have to do it, then that's fine.

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