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02/16/2003 Entry: "That's one fast baby!"

The first time I mentioned my my sister was pregnant was also the last, I think. Well, last night was the big night, and now Caleb William Jarrell Wight is here! Susan was in 28 hours of labor with Julia. Lisa was 6 1/2 hours with Eben, her first boy. Caleb? From the time she said "I think I should go to the hospital to be checked," until he was born, was a little over 3 hours!!! That's insane! When they let me in to see her, still in the delivery room, she looked great! Didn't even look like she broke a sweat.

Technically, he's a month early. But Lisa thought that they messed her due-date up by 2 weeks anyway. And then, it's normal to pop 2 weeks on either side of you due date, so I wasn't really worried. I think he looked fine. But the "doctors" (there were no doctors there, I think--just a midwife and nurses) said they could tell. He didn't have enough wrinkles. Susan also said he had a lot of white goop on him, which would have come off if he were fully cooked. Still, he was around 7 1/2 pounds. They said if he had gone full term, he would have been 9 1/2. Lisa's glad he came a litte early after hearing that!

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