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03/25/2003 Entry: "Final Beer Review"
Well, it's been over a year since Jim gave me a gift basket of 9 fine beers for my birthday. And I finally finished them! I forgot to post an update about beer #7 and #8, the Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout and Bellhave Scotch Ale. They're good. I''ve had them several times before, and they're always good. Then last night, I had the last beer: a Hennepin. It was ok. It's in a corked bottle, and has lots of yeast in it. The bottle says it will cellar well. (Most beers are made to be drunk fairly fresh.) The flavor screams citrus. It was quite lemony. It was a big bottle too, maybe two glasses worth. I got through 1 1/2. I found it drinkable, but it wasn't a brand that I would buy for myself. But if a friend offered me some, I'd drink it. So the final tally: 7 good beers (Bass, Pilsner Urquell, Sam Smiths Oatmeal, Sam Smiths IPA, Sam Smiths Tady Porter, Paulaner Hefewiezen, Bellhave Scotch ale), one ok (Hennepin), and one not good (Warsteiner.)