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08/25/2003 Entry: "Weekend Update, Chocolate Props, and Random Stuff"
Brian Boru on Saturday was hoppin'! I so enjoyed that show WAY more than Bar Harbor. It'll be nice when Genova comes back. There were all kinds of hotties there that would've loved the Italian. And the crowd loved us, too. It's always nice to get appreciation.
In that vain, I played for a Salvation Army meeting last night. It seems the town of Lewiston doesn't want to allow religious groups from using the park across from the town hall. They have this idea that religious and political gatherings should use one park, amusement and festivals should use another park, and the arts should use a third park. The Salvation Army, three doors down from the "arts only" park, doesn't think they should have to truck across town to use an officially sanctioned "religious/political" park. So, they held a concert in the "arts only" park, and I was in the band with Mac Economy. You want to talk about appreciative crowd? They were great. And, using my talents for God's work was nice too. In all honesty, I'd like to play strictly in a band for God's glory, and get out of the club scene.
While looking through my temporary bookmarks, I found Lorem Ipsum. Go there and read all about the Latin text place holder used for hundreds of years. Also read about how Mitsubishi is designing a system to page your server when your beer is getting low. (Yet another something the Wop would appreciate!)
I must also give crazy, chocolate laced props to bookkeeping queen G. I was in a desperate chocolate way earlier this afternoon, and my office stash was all tapped out. She usually has a little somethin' somethin' stashed, so I asked if she could bail me out. She hooked me up tight with a great big Hershey Special Dark! Rock on, G!