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07/20/2004 Entry: "Sorry Lucielle! (The Susan Update)"

Sorry for those of you who worried! Susan's fine. On Sunday, she started having some labor pains. We called the midwife, and she had Susan drink 1/2 gallon of water in two hours (thinking she was dehydrated). Two hours later, she still was in a lot of pain, so we went to the hospital. They checked her out, and had her on the monitor for about three hours. The pain lessened, and the contractions got farther apart, not closer together. So they gave her some sleeping meds, and we went home. She didn't sleep well, so I didn't sleep well. Monday morning, I mis-read my clock and ending up getting up earlier than I needed to, so I got even less sleep. Monday morning at the office, I made coffee you could stand a spoon up in!

Replies: 2 people have rocked the mic!

Pat Lamarche? The range? Hello?

Posted by Jim @ 07/21/2004 11:54 AM EST

I'm glad Susan and the babies are okay. Sometimes you need a good strong cup of coffee to get you through the day wink

Posted by Michelle @ 07/23/2004 12:46 PM EST

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