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05/04/2005 Entry: "What I Am Into Right Now"
1) Latin rhythms. I can't stop listening to Los Lonely Boys and Poncho Sanchez. Those rhythms just make me smile!
2) Cinnamon with coffee. This has been going on for a month or two. Cinnamon buns, oatmeal with cinnamon, brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts, french toast, whatever. If it's morning, and it's got cinnamon in it, I want it with a cup of coffee.
3) On days that I'm not eating cinnamon treats with my coffee, it's probably a blueberry muffin. Dunkin Donuts has this blueberry muffin that defies the norm: The stump is better that the top. Why? I don't know. But it's true.
4) Speaking of Dunkin Donuts, the chocolate dipped banana late rocks Neddick! Interestingly, Dunkin' D don't have a pic of it on their site. They do have the nutrition information, though. Check out the allergy info. What, in all that is holy, does Dunkin' Donuts have on the menu that contains "crustaceans"?
5) Magic Shell. You know, that stuff you put on ice cream? Susan and I knocked off a bottle in the course of two evenings. Great stuff!
6) M*A*S*H: The Tivo is recording hundreds of episodes. Not all at once, mind. But I bet at any given time, there are a dozen episodes of M*A*S*H waiting for me. I've been going through and culling all the ones I've seen before. I've been a fan for years, and it's amazing how many episodes I've missed. Especially the early ones.
7) Cooking on the Grill: Steaks, chicken, and chops have all had repeat trips to the old Thermos. Hot dogs have made one minor appearance. I've got a pack of brattwurst on deck, but they haven't hit yet. I love my side burner, and as long as it's not too windy, you'll probably find it sporting potatoes or rice or pasta.
So, there you go. What I'm digging right now in life.
Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!
Hey, Cinnamon Sanchez! Who gots the MI5?!
Posted by Paddy @ 05/05/2005 09:57 PM EST