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08/22/2005 Entry: "The Weekend Wrap Up"

OK, let's start with Thursday night, actually. I've been sitting on some gift certificates to a local restaurant for almost two years. And as a way of saying "thank you" to neighbors Michael and Erica (who help us frequently with the kids), we decided we'd like to take them to dinner with us. So Susan's folks took the kids, and we went to The Whitehall Inn. Susan and I had the filet minion, wrapped with bacon, with seared bleu cheese on top. Erica had the Chicken St. Vincent Millay, and Michael had some kind of pork loin with apple, cranberry, and mango. Dessert was a Bananas Foster cheesecake, and it was exceedingly good. The meal was nice, but it didn't "super-wow" us. The menu was somewhat limited; there were about 5 offerings, 3-4 specials, and 3-4 apeptizers. (None of the appetizers appealed to me.) Don't get me wrong. The food was good, but for the money, The Samoset will still be Susan and my restaurant of choice.

Friday day was work at the office. In the evening, Three Button Deluxe played a USO-styled swing dance fundraiser for the Knox Museum. For whatever reason (the locked main door, the huge sidewalk construction outside), the dance wasn't well attended. But those who showed had a great time. (To see the whole night's pictures, click here.)

Saturday morning, I went to Mom and Dad's to pick up a crib. I set that up in the boy's room, and since then they've been sleeping in the same room--pretty successfully, I might add. (I never thought it would work.) That afternoon I DJd a wedding for Eric and Jade. Even after six hours of non-stop music (about four of those hours dedicated to nothing but dancing) they wanted me to go on. The contract they had with the hall said they had to stop at 9pm. It's something they do to keep the neighboors happy. (Echo Hill is a nice place to play, and Janet--the owner--is super nice!) I was home and in bed by midnight.

Sunday had no major outings. Church in the morning, dinner at the folks. A small nap in the afternoon, then back to church in the evening. Home and bed. Tah da! Weekend over. :-(

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