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05/17/2006 Entry: "Typing Text in Dreamweaver Causes Crash"

Um, yeah. That didn't work. I've tried everything I can think of to get Dreamweaver to work. I'm running Windows XP, and whenever I type plain text of any particular length (say 2-3 sentences), everything freezes on my computer. Everything. It's always plain text. Never when I'm making links, never when I'm adjusting table widths, never when adding images. Only when typing. Why is that? Ron thinks it's a memory issue. I hope to try some new RAM, and we'll see what that does.

I won't be home this evening. I'm taking my beloved wife out to supper for her birthday. This will probably be the only post you get today, so enjoy it.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

Check to see that your motherboard doesn't have blown capacitors like we have dealt with.

Posted by jp @ 05/18/2006 06:30 AM EST

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