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07/24/2006 Entry: "The Weekend: A Wrap-Up Thereof"
So, as I usually do, we'll start with Friday night. After I left the office, I came home. My mom was here already, as she was going to watch the boys so we could head to Julia's Vacation Bible School closing program. It was very nice, and both Julia and next-door nieghbor Taylor did a great job singing. JP and Alison were there, as was someone from my old school, who just had twins. I think we ended up at home around 8:30.
Saturday morning, and, well, you have some details of that. Matt and Nat had their birthday party, and Julia took in quite a few presents from family. It was like a mini-Christmas here in the Batty household. And with so many other kids running around at the party, and with so many adults who didn't want to make the other kids without birthdays feel bad, and with so many presents bought for those said kids from those said adults, well, there plenty of presents to be had by all.
I guess that finished up around noon-ish. I ate some lunch, and did nothing in particular until I left for my gig around 1:30. I stopped into NKM, and got a great deal on some sticks from Harv. I got gas at Maritime, where I witnessed a drive off. (The guy stuck them for $65. Green Isuzu SUV with Vermont plates.) I got to the gig around 3pm, I guess. It was a "little weird" gig. Nothing major, mind, but enough little things to make you go "Hmmm, this is a weird gig." Rain, a crowded room, a power failure, crazy dancing, and all the events crammed right at the end. Oh, and HOT! Whew, those zoots get warm. And, due to the weirdness, I forgot to snap photos. Sorry everyone.
Sunday morning, and Susan needed some stuff at the grocery store, so I picked some muffins up for the fam. Then we headed to church. Susan had nursery, and I went down and spelled her at the 1/2 point. I figured she'd been around a lot of kids for a lot of time on Saturday, so maybe she would enjoy a break. After church, we rushed home and got some lunch ready. I had a 2pm gig in Cushing, so I didn't stick around for the chicken Caesar salad. The gig went well, but it was HOT! And LOUD too! Those steel drums inside a gymnasium will take your ears out right quick! After the concert I headed straight for evening church. We had the monthly birthday cake for the July people afterwards (to include all three Batty kids), and after that I had a pulpit committee meeting. I guess it was about 9pm before I finally got home.